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Generator and elevator installation

King County has several projects planned at the Lakeland Hills Pump Station, including this backup generator installation and elevator replacement project to improve service to you and other residents in the Auburn area.

The backup generator project began in April 2023 and is completed as of August 2024. The elevator replacement project will begin as early as October 2024. Construction is expected to complete by December 2024.

Project benefits

  • Maintaining wastewater service in the event of a power outage
  • Providing safe access for operations employees
  • Preventing overflows into nearby water bodies
  • Protecting community health and the environment.

Installing a backup generator will keep the pump station operating if the power goes out

The purpose of the project is to install a backup generator and fuel tank at the pump station. Currently, there is no permanent backup power supply to the pump station. During power outages, untreated wastewater overflows into the White River to prevent backups into homes and businesses. The new backup generator will provide power to the pump station for up to 24 hours during a power outage. Having a reliable backup power source is necessary to protect community health and the environment during power outages.

A new elevator will keep crews safe

Also, the elevator will be replaced to ensure the safety of our operations crew. The current elevator is unreliable. Elevator failures lead to emergency ladder use; however, it is difficult to climb because the ladder rungs are greasy and blocked by elevator chains.

What to expect (updated Dec 2023)

  • Work hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., with possible weekend work.
  • 2 to 3 parking spaces will be occupied by contractors during work hours.
  • Contractor will use pump station driveway and sidewalk for 1 hour daily for loading/unloading during work hours. Vehicles will be flagged and detoured through the parking lot during this time.
  • Pedestrians will be rerouted as needed to nearby sidewalks and paths.
  • Demolition, excavation, and other construction activities will take place. There will be noise and dust resulting from these activities.
  • Plants and shrubs removed during construction will be restored.

construction impacts around the pump station in 2023 include two staging areas, a work zone around the pump station and temporary loading and unloading zone

Learn more about the facility replacement project underway at the Lakeland Hills Pump Station.
